Monday, December 7, 2009

Rag Doll Me

Walls of stone as I lay alone, frozen tears escape my eyes, hidden by disguise.

A porcelain doll, no emotion. Shattered on the floor, no longer adored.

Invisible & unseen, broken & mended, no more need for Rag Doll Me.

As you squeeze the last breath from my lungs, I pucker my lips to blow one final kiss.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Someone I Can't Have

When I feel so alone in the middle of the night
I know we're wrong & it's just not right
But I beg to feel your touch on my skin
Wish you could hold me in your arms again

I miss your body next to mine
Baby just one more time

Wrap me in your arms, hold me all night long
How can a feeling so right be so wrong?
I want to feel you so bad
Why do I need the touch of someone I can't have?

Sometimes I ache for your kiss
It's our passion that I miss

Wrap me in your arms, hold me all night long
How can a feeling so right be so wrong?
I want to feel you so bad
I need the touch of someone I can't have

The someone I can't have
Is someone that I need
I need to feel wanted
But now, baby, I'm haunted
By the way you held me
'Cause your touch is all I need

Wrap me in your arms, hold me all night long
How can a feeling so right be so wrong?
I want to feel you so bad
I need the touch of someone that I can't have.

Oh, I need to feel the touch of someone that I just can't have.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Flows Through My Veins

On the outside I'm as tough as rock and roll goes.
Lights, camera, action! I can put on a show!
From inside of me, a softness is found, a different sound.

My heart jams to the sound of soul, a groove, the deepness of blues.
My bass keeps me livin', pumpin' the rhythm.
Unless you can feel it, baby, you ain't hearin' my music.

Allow the golden warmth
to seep into the greyness
of every crevice
in the dark alleys
and every corner
of the cold and dreary,
heart of wonder.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Meghan's Creative Ramblings

  • They always kick themselves later. Maybe not today, tomorrow, or next week. But eventually, it'll catch up to 'em.
  • Just take a breath and step back for a minute; get a good view. Just let me know what it is I'm supposed to do; I already miss you.
  • It's called trust, a simple, little word, that sets the solid foundation for which you hope to build on. When you take a jackhammer to it, guess what happens?!
  • Failure is a choice. The only person that can push our exhausted legs through the finish line of this marathon we call life, is ourself. When your heart beats, it is an involuntary action. Failing is a voluntary action. Do not allow yourself to fall into the dark emptiness we know as failure. Instead, be successful by not allowing yourself to fail.
  • The light shines through this dark room, showing me a sign of hope, allowing my faith to once again grow. Believe' is seein' and baby, I'm trustin' your lovin'.
  • Her seams are ripping, falling apart. Needle and thread can't put together the pieces of what's left of her heart.
  • To blame is a regular, daily occurance in our generation. However, it is only ourselves that can bring change. Take responsibility and take action.
  • When you're ready to give up, remember how far you have come and how much energy you've put into it. Push a little farther, breathe a little deeper, and take that extra step and you will be content with your outcome.
  • Glitter falls from the sky, graces us with its embrace. You sparkle, I twinkle, together we glow. Don't ever let go. Lock me in your arms, throw away the key. Now I wish upon a star, moments like these are for only you and only me.
  • Warning! HIGH VOLTAGE! The electricity from your fingertips lights up my sole!
  • Let's make something tasty; you be the sugar and I'll be the spice!
  • Take it slow and hold me close. Where this goes, only we know.
  • This time, I'm not gonna shelter my heart. I'm not gonna push you away, so here's to a brand new start.
  • Wounds will eventually heal, with scars to follow, as a reminder of the past. They'll leave a permanent, visible mark of pain and recovery that will remind us of everything we've encountered and overcome.
  • It is only yourself that allows anyone to mistreat you. You have control of letting someone take advantage and walk all over you. Step up to the plate and take a swing at confidence. Eventually, you will hit a walk-off home run, game winning ball.
  • Just like the bright green sky, I can see the spark of light in your eyes. Holding you close is keeping us warm. Our love is defined as a thunderstorm.
  • Step one foot at a time; let's move forward. You don't learn how to walk by moving backwards. Baby steps lead to giant leaps over a matter of time, with practice and patience.
  • The mystery of life is not knowing what may happen next. The chase for answers is a never ending cycle as each new rising of the Sun brings us another tomorrow. Behind the curtain of insecurity is ourselves. We never know what life may bring and where it may lead us to, but don't be sheltered by the darkness of uncertainty. Enjoy your own mystery novel and look forward to the turning of each new page, every new day.
  • He didn't handle her carefully, like she told him to. She was a live grenade and he pulled the pin. Of course, he either "threw her away" or "dropped her and ran", just like the rest of the so-called men.
  • With a green thumb, my broken heart blues have come and gone. My weeds are all pulled and my flowers are beginning to bloom. The garden of disaster is now lively with happiness. All it took was ripping the roots, tossing out the old, planting the new, replacing the past, and enjoying new laughs.
  • Create a disaster and smile while doing it. They're looking for a change to talk, so let them talk about your beautiful catastrophe.


To blame is a regular, daily occurance in our generation. We cannot stand the thought of admitting our own wrongs or the feeling of negative perspective from others. Instead of accepting and trying to change the bad habits and qualities of ourselves, we lay the blame on everything and everyone else. Change is not inevitable; it is simply over-looked. If we all take a step back and look at the big picture, I believe change is possible, and most importantly, needs to happen.

"Others don't like us for who we are, so shame on them," is a much too common thought among young adults. By no means am I trying to persuade everyone to make a 360 degree change of who they are. However, what is it, what qualities, about us, lead other to not want to be around us? It could be a habit of telling small lies thta seem like no big deal to us, but perhaps your tall tales have led others to believe they cannot trust you. Friendship is an important part of our lives and with friendship, comes trust. The only person who can change this flaw is yourself. Blaming others is an easy excuse that leads you to a dead end road.

The way we perceive others is the same way they see us. Noone wants to be around a high school drop-out that can't seem to maintain a job and always needs to borrow money. Being successful amounts to being a likeable person. Change your bad habits and invest your time in becoming successful.

However, do not duck your head under the covers and let everybody walk all over you. Stand up for what you believe in with your head held high. Letting others take advantage of you is noone else's fault but yours. Confidence is attractive; it is a trait that we all look for in peers and relationships. Also, admitting we are wrong shows that we do not hold too much pride. Respect is gained when respect is given.
